Pheromones: Do you know women can detect genetic compatibility by smell?

To attract potential mates many animals announcing their excitement and sexual availability by secreting biochemical odor called pheromones. But how do we humans do with our very own pheromones in role of sexual attraction?

Many scientists believe that we have long lost our pheromone reception called vomeronasal organ (VNO) inside our nose, that is why we can not rely on scent to seek potential mates and our body odor plays no significant role in human sexual attraction. Even if we have VNO our brains wouldn’t be able to interpret its signals.

But perfumers, who intent on cashing in on human pheromones perfume business, funded researchers who later on discovered VNO function in the mid 1980s. A team led by Luis Monti-Bloch of University of Utah reported that subject don’t smell a thing during experiment but they often do report a warm, vague feeling of well-being and emotions strongly moved by smells.

A further research by medical geneticists found that human odor or pheromones play an important role in human sexual attraction. A segment of our DNA called major histocompatibility complex ( MHC ) codes for some of these disease-detecting structures, which function as the immune system. The immune system creates scented proteins that are unique to every version of each MHC gene.

These immune by-products are excreted from the body with other used-up chemicals, allowing a discerning female to sniff out exactly how closely we are related to her. Female will instinct attracted to male whose MHC differ from her MHC. Female body inherits the capability to choose the MHC-dissimilar mate to make sure that she doesn’t inbreed her closest gene thus secure a survival chance of her offspring.

This finding about women can detect genetic compatibility by smell brought us clearer idea that to find potential mates, chemistry doesn’t the only thing play in our romance life, but our sexy gene also contribute important in finding potential mates and who she will date.

Before you try cologne, perfumes or other aromatic scent to manipulate your very own pheromones, take this small test to find out if you are genetically her ideal mate.

Wear clean cotton clothes unchanged for two days in row. Bathe with non-perfumed soaps, stay away from cologne, perfumes or other aromatic materials. Remember also skip smoking. After two days, let her smell your clothes and rate your natural body odor.

1. If your pheromones smell doesn’t offend her. You are genetic compatible to her. Let her express further her reaction to your odor. Does she find it alluring or sexy? This is a sure sign you are a best contributor to your offspring’s genetic ensemble.

2. Does your pheromones smell remind her of her brother or father?
Take caution! A similar genetic MHC ensemble breeds genetic defect offspring. That is why we are not allowed to marry among siblings or closest relative. Go and consult doctor.

3. If she found your clothes stink like skunk, you are genetic incompatible with her.
But remember, genetic incompatibility is not the only reasons she would find your odor offend.

If you are on medical condition your smell may unusually stronger. Sweet scents indicate you have diabetes or schizophrenia. Are you just eating smelly tofu or garlic? A certain food may also give out strong unpleasant odor.

What these small tests tell us? Our allure and sexiness depend in part on how many immune system genes we shares with a potential mate. Your pheromones affect every woman differently. Jean may find your odor alluring while Mary may find it suffocating. It is only a matter of gene compatibility.

So, use your pheromones secret weapon wisely.