But little we know if we mix the correct scent of essential oil to our massage oils alone or in special blends could create certain type of sexual atmosphere and sexual response we want. And here are 18 essential oils we may try to experience to enhance our sexual libido and experience.
1. Lavender
Lavender scent is soothing to the heart, relaxing and balancing with its comforting aroma. Use it to heal and nurture a relationship and sooth the mind but avoid using it during the first trimester of pregnancy.
2. Rose
An erotic scent with aphrodisiac and sexual healing characteristics, emotionally uplifting and opens the heart. but avoid using it during pregnancy.
3. Geranium
Geranium scent adds a sustaining and restoring quality to a relationship. It can help open communication in a relationship.
4. Jasmine
Jasmine scent is erotic, heady and exotic. It is used to capture, sustain or rekindle the affections of a loved one. It promises deep and lasting affection. It brings strength and warmth to a sexual relationship.
5. Orange
Orange scent brings warmth and cheerfulness to a relationship. It encourages joy and sensitivity.
8. Lime
This scent adds cheer and laughter to romance and increases the appetite for desire and passion. Lime fills the atmosphere with joy and lightness. It eases anxiety and clears the path for communication
9. Sandalwood
Also is an erotic scent with a sweet and woody aroma. Sandalwood encourages emotional openness and enhances physical sensuality. It creates spontaneous interaction and helps lovers get out of a sexual rut.
10. Cedarwood
An evocative scent that opens emotions and helps lovers enter a spiritual dimension in their lovemaking. It soothes fears and anxieties and draws lovers into a blissful and sensual reality.
11. Basil
Known as an erotic scent that has a sweet, spicy aroma. It has many associations with love, seduction and fertility. Basil awakens the senses and arouses the basic sexual instincts. It can be used to reawaken a sexual relationship, help ease mental, emotional and physical fatigue and ideally be used in massage oils to remove weariness.
11. Black Pepper
Black Pepper is an erotic scent that can add spice and vitality to your love life. It has warming, penetrating and strengthening characteristics that can rekindle the flames of passion also emits a spicy aroma that arouses the senses and supplies stamina and strength.
12. Ginger
Erotic, pungent and spicy. It will boost vitality and heat up the libido. Use it to inflame passion and desire.
13. Bergamot
To enhance the mood of lovers. Its lemon and floral aroma can lift a loved one's spirit and it is able to alleviate tension and anxiety.
14. Juniper
Juniper is an erotic scent that cleanses negative feelings and has stimulating components. Use it to get rid of insecurities and form trust.
15. Patchouli
Erotic scent with a deep, musky and lingering aroma with earthy sensuality and spiritual elevation. It is very sexually provocative and decreases inhibition and encourages desire.
16. Ylang Ylang
Powerful aphrodisiac. It increases libido and enhances attraction between lovers. It can sooth the over anxious while boosting low energy. It opens emotions and promotes a more sensual and erotic experience during lovemaking.
17. Frankincense
Haunting aroma. It can bring depth and meaning to a relationship, heighten awareness and enhance communication. It can stimulate the senses and comfort the mind.
18. Clary Sage
Erotic scent, deeply sensual with relaxing and calming characteristics to decrease inhibitions. It boosts libido and dissolves fears and anxieties.
19. Neroli Absolute
Seductive. It evokes a sense of contentment and eases communication. It acts as an aphrodisiac.
These essential oils can be found in health food stores, new age shops, in catalogs and the most convenient online shopping. A little warning though, always to check with expert, some essentials oils are a must to avoid during pregnancy.